One of my favorite methods of cooking on board is using a slow cooker (crock pot). Today's menu was pork tenderloin slow cooked with onions, potato's, and chicken bouillon. The tenderloin was about 14 inches long and frozen solid. With the water and other ingredients in the crock pot, I placed the loin in the water with 1/2 sticking out the top. My intention was to coil the upper half in the water as soon as the lower half thawed. After about 30 minutes Dave was in the galley getting a drink and called up to me that the loin was still hard enough to drive a nail. I went down to check. Dave suggested I place it in hot water to thaw it. Frustrated, I said "Christ Dave, I've got it in the crock pot and have it set on high. How much hotter can I get it". That's when Dave suggested my plan would be more effective if I plugged in the crock pot. Dinner was a little late.
Last night Kenny and Chris were fishing from the wooden dock 50 yards down from the boat. They couldn't fish any closer or the dogs would see them and go apeshit (these dogs are fishing fools). Chris caught a nice 14 inch bass and Kenny hadn't caught anything, so Kenny decided to change his bait from a worm to a lure. Laying his rod on the dock, Ken searched the tackle box for the right lure not realizing his baited hook had slipped through the slats between the boards. Suddenly his rod was moving and the water under the dock was splashing. Ken had hooked a fish on UNDER THE DOCK. Between the two of them they managed to pull the fish from under the dock. Chris laid claim to 1/2 the credit for the fish.
We passed through 4 locks today and travelled nearly 90 miles, including 22 miles across Oneida
Lake. In addition to the great scenery we saw a deer, fox, and a Bald Eagle.

Dinner was a little late due to technical difficulties.
Leaving the last lock of the day.
Oneida Lake was clear blue and 22 miles across.
Kenny guiding us across Oneida Lake.
Our electronic chart showing the way through the Erie Canal. There is more to it than just following the waterway.
Yes, there are some road signs.