As we entered the Norfolk Harbor the ship radio shouted out the following warning:
"Attention all boaters, a Naval warship is leaving the Norfolk Harbor. All boats are advised to slow to a minimum navigational speed and keep at least 300 yards from the Warship. Any craft approaching closer than 100 yards is advised that Deadly Force is authorized by the U. S. Navy."
Needless to say Danette and I were on high alert watching for the War Ship. The picture above was taken from at least 1/4 mile away with my telephoto lens and is what we expected to see. The Norfolk Harbor is very large outside and inside with one narrow opening from the Bay to the inside Harbor. Just as we were entering that narrow opening we saw a police boat roaring across the Harbor with it's lights flashing. Danette said, "Dick, it looks like that police boat is heading right at us." I said, "What else is new, cops are always pulling that on me, besides we're not doing anything wrong." The police boat kept coming closer and closer yet, directly at our bow until the damn thing was about to ram us. That's when I noticed the large black outline of the Navy Submarine about 100 yards off our port side.
All that was showing was the periscope and that little cabin on top. I turned hard to Starboard and cut the engines, the police boat pulled along side and gave me a thumbs up and continued to shadow the sub.
That was the end of a very long day at sea. We started this morning from Reedville, VA. A stinking little fish town (really, the only industry there is a Menhaden fish processing plant) we couldn't get out of fast enough. Unfortunately, when we left dock we found we only had power to the port prop. We re-docked and I checked the starboard transmission. It was low on fluid and after adding fluid and starting my heart we were on our way. The water was calm when we left port, 2 -3 footers 1/2 way, and 4 - 6 foot breakers when we reached Norfolk. I am really looking forward to the ICW with calm waters and no "Deadly Force Authorized". |
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