Today we traveled 110 miles in 10 hours. For some boats that may not seem like a great accomplishment, "Whatever It Takes" is nearly 50 years old and she likes to cruise at 10 MPH, to us this was a banner day. Good weather and a tailwind was with us most of the day until the last two hours when the only storm in the entire continental U.S. and Canada swooped down on us. No matter, we made it to the Mackinac straits and Lake Huron is behind us. With Lakes (Erie, St Clair, and Huron) now in the books, we can concentrate on our journey down Lake Michigan to Chicago.
Gale force winds, thunderstorms, and other nasty weather fore casted for tomorrow so we are expecting to stay put here in Cheboygan until Friday.
Good morning Jeff.
Thunder Island. We couldn't get closer due to submerged rocks so...
I got this pic of lighthouse through the binoculars.
New radar is really neat. Lower white mass is land, small dot at 9:00 is a buoy, and the X is where we thought we should be ???
View from the porthole in master cabin. Just a little spooky.
Denny piloted the boat the entire day (with help from the Autopilot).
The only bad weather in all of the U.S. and Canada is over our boat !!!
Each X is a port we stayed at so far. The little boat is where we are docked tonight in the Straits of Mackinac.
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