We docked here in Mackinaw City 4 days ago. Shortly after we tied up, a large sail boat docked directly across from us and the couple on board has been here the entire time we have. I found out this afternoon they attempted to leave Mackinaw City the morning we arrived and got 8 miles into lake Michigan before turning back to redock here. Seems the Captain is the regional NOAA weatherman based in Green Bay, Wisconsin and is trying to get home. If I had known his occupation I may have had a few words with him.
Tomorrow the forecast is for light NW winds and waves 2 feet or less. Lake Michigan here we come.
Had a small problem in the hold today. Our fresh water pump started running continuously. There was obviously a leak in the system somewhere. As Captain of the ship, it was my duty to order Skip into the engine room to locate the problem. After locating the leak (hose clamp let go on hot water tank) I moved swiftly, armed with nothing more than a screwdriver, and corrected the problem. Skip crawled into the engine room with me, took a picture, laughed, and said; "Would you sail with this Captain".
Wow, the mornings are beautiful up here.
This is at least a 20 foot flag (40 mph winds).
Mackinaw City is a great place to shop with a quaint downtown.
The locals say these are typical November Gales and keep mentioning some guy named Gordon Lightfoot (must be Indian weatherman).
My first Pink Salmon.
Would you sail with this Captain ???
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