Lock 23 is still closed (supposed to open in 2 days) so we couldn't travel any further than the western shore of Oneida Lake today. Being that it is only 20 miles across the lake (2 hour cruise) we decided to take it easy and fish on the lake this morning. The fish were uncooperative, but the conditions were nice. We stopped fishing at 1:00 and headed for the western shore when the starboard engine began to sputter, then died. Damn, it felt like the fuel filters were plugged, I experienced this same problem in the Florida Keys last year. The difference between then and now is, I had Jeff Smith (mechanical wizard) on board then. We limped into the first marina we found on the western shore. After the engines cooled down, I crawled into the engine room and replaced both fuel filters on the starboard engine. Just like in the Keys, the engine still wouldn't start. Apparently the fuel line has air in it and needs to be bled. I could probably perform the task, but would prefer to have a real mechanic work on it, so I called ESS-KAY Boatyards, the next marina down river.
That's when I found out that "Whatever It Takes" (formerly Rosie) is so well known. Kim Mann answered the phone at ESS-KAY and when I told her the boat type she asked if I was from Cleveland. Kim went on to explain that she knows Bill and Anna Rose West (former owners and no relation) and that "Whatever It Takes" actually spent an entire winter at their boat yard. Kim assured me that their mechanics could repair my motor and she was looking forward to having our boat back in her Marina.
I plan to move over to ESS-KAY first thing tomorrow morning when the winds are calm. This boat can be tough to maneuver with two engines and this is a tight dockage so we will be going easy. A wise captain once told me "Don't go any faster than you want to hit something".
I spent the morning sitting in the pilot house watching my fishing rod. |
View of Oneida Lake. |
Where the hell is Smith when I need him. |
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