This is getting tough! On the trip down last fall we had more than enough silly, dangerous, stupid, exciting experiences to provide plenty of material for a daily log. So far this trip things have gone reasonably well. Having said that I am almost guaranteed lots and lots of future material. Today was mostly uneventful, 60 miles and docked at a fantastic marina (River Dunes). We did have a little trouble getting up Broad Creek (inaccurately named), the water was as shallow as five feet. We squeezed in and found it was worth the risk (see pics).
Right after dinner, (Leslie, my sister in law, made us the BEST lasagna ever), Denny pulled out his fishing rod and Tucker went crazy. Clark didn't know what the fuss was about but decided he better get in the action so he started getting crazy too. Denny got onto the dock with Tucker glued to his side barking orders at Clark. Clark was just trying to figure out what was going on. As soon as Denny cast his lure and Tuck ran down the dock to see where the lure had landed Clark started getting the idea. No fish tonight. I can't wait until Denny brings one in.
Denny the "Navigator".
Denny the "Pilot".
Val the "Needle pointer".
North Carolina wilderness.
Clark has gotten to be a very "Salty Dog".
River Dunes Marina, 1st class.
Shower, hot tub, and spa facility.
"Whatever It Takes" is right at home here.
The library in the marina (I should have shaved before I went in).
Tucker teaching the new dog an old trick.
Sometimes the very best trips are "uneventful." Keep those gorgeous pictures coming!