Clear skies and a calm ocean, who could ask for more. Bill and I arrived in the New York Harbor at 11:30 and entered into the Hudson River at 12:30. Everything went perfect on the ocean. The harbor had a light fog, just enough to fuzzy up my pictures.
We continued up the Hudson 3 - 1/2 hours to Haverstraw Marina, we should have gone only 2 - 1/2 hours. 5 miles before our destination I told Bill to look at the sky behind us. It was black. 5 miles may not seem very far but in my boat your talking 30 minutes of cruising. Just as we entered the marina the winds kicked up (20 - 30 mph gusts) and the lighting started. As I eased up to the dock I saw two 12 year old kids there to grab our lines and the wind was pushing us away from the dock (of course). Hell, those kids didn't weigh 200 lbs between them. After 5 minutes of effort and a little help from another dock hand we got tied down and Bill rushed out to take the dogs to the grass.
It was a solid five minute walk to the grass and you needed a map to find your way through the maze of docks. About one minute after Bill left the boat all hell broke loose. Torrential rain, lightning, hail, and high winds, then a tornado siren blew in the nearby town. I got nervous and donned a slicker and went out in search of my dogs (and Bill). I got to the marina and asked if anyone had seen them, they said yes and the damn fools had gone back onto the docks. I went back to the boat and found two soggy dogs and Bill (also soggy). We had passed in the maze of docks and didn't see each other.
Everything turned out good and the dogs are much cleaner now.
Two days to Troy, the start of the Erie Canal.
Leaving Manasquan Harbor, perfect weather.
Entering New York Harbor with light fog.
Staten Island Ferry.
One of the Armada of Navy ships.
The NEW World Trade Center with the top floor in place.
1/2 hour before all hell broke loose on the Hudson.
1/2 hour after all hell broke loose on the Hudson.
Sorry for the bar weather luck Dick. If you had not left Hilton Head when you did, you may not have made it this year. The second Tropical Storm is in the South.